Waaskimaashtaau Newsletter

About Us

Health Canada and the Brighter Futures program fund Waaskimaashtaau, a monthly community newsletter in Chisasibi, Québec.

In 1996 a contest was held to name the local newsletter. Luci Salt, a resident, won with the only Cree suggestion. Waaskimaashtaau means a very bright light from the sun, a star, moon, fire or other source of light. The monthly newsletter covers local events and achievements for those who live and work in Chisasibi, Quebec. Part of a government-funded program called Brighter Futures, its mandate is to create awareness on mental health, child development, parenting, healthy babies, and injury prevention. The first newsletter was published in 1995. This page was created in May 2016 for the purpose of posting news as events are happening, providing up-to-the minute information to complement monthly issues of Waaskimaashtaau.


April 2021

this is your platform and we are eager to listen to what you have to say.

Gerardo Salazar, Editor

Contact us

Any type of email is welcome for any subject, critic, event or issue that you would like to talk about.

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