Chisasibi Youth Council

The Chisasibi Youth Council thrives on serving the community’s youth aged 13 to 35. It aims to educate and engage youth in activities and programs, instill leadership skills, and provide opportunities to understand the importance of the Cree language, culture, values and youth’s roles in the community.

Youth Chief & Councillors

Youth Chief Corrina Napash
Deputy Youth Chief Mark Chiskamish
Treasurer Francine Matthew
Councillor Shannon Fireman
Councillor Edna-Rose Matthew
Councillor Jonathan Pashagumskum
Councillor Angie Moar
Councillor Adrian Rabbitskin-Bullfrog
Councillor Claude Sealhunter
Councillor Robin Matthew
Secretary Adonis Rabbitskin-Bullfrog
Councillor Shayla Napash
Councillor Delayna Cox

A word from Youth Chief Corrina Napash

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