Public Notices

January 2021

Community Curfew

Effective tonight, January 11th, 2021, Chisasibi will impose a curfew from 10 p.m. to      6 a.m. until February 8th, 2021 due to the recent events in Eeyou Istchee (Region 18) contributing to a rise in positive COVID-19 cases. The appearance of COVID-19 in the communities has led Council to restrict non essential travel and gatherings within the community. These restrictions include the prohibition of any social gatherings after 

10 p.m. and before 6 a.m.

The Eeyou Eenou Police Force (EEPF) and the CNC check-point employees will be    enforcing this temporary curfew within Chisasibi. Peace officers are authorized to stop and enquire on people’s movement in public places. An exemption for essential     workers or for emergencies will be accepted as a valid reason to circulate during      curfew. Employers in Chisasibi should consider providing essential or on call employees a letter confirming that they are required to be out during curfew to attend work or perform work-related duties. 

Pursuant to the Council resolution adopted under the Cree Nation of Chisasibi Local Law 2017-003 regulating alcoholic beverages, curfew and certain nuisances, sanctions will apply in the case of people not respecting the curfew. Those who contravene the curfew will be fined $500 for a first offence, $750 for a second and $1,000 for each subsequent offence. The EEPF may issue fines on site and immediately to offenders.

We expect everyone’s collaboration and cooperation during these challenging times amid the 2nd wave of COVID-19 pandemic so that we all do our part to help protect ourselves, our loved ones and especially the most vulnerable. 

Thank you! 


Adjustments of CNC Operations

Notice is hereby given that the Cree Nation of Chisasibi Administrative Center and all its building will keep on operating accordingly to the measures and protocols prescribed by the third (3rd) phase of the Deconfinement Plan. 

Nonetheless, as of January 11th, 2021, our office will adjust is way of operating, in order to respect public health recommandations amid this 2nd wave of COVID-19 and following the recent “super-spreader” events in Eeyou Istchee territory. 

  • A maximum of 25 employees will be allowed at any given time inside the administrative building;
  • Part of our employees will work on alternated shifts;
  • Part of our employees will be working from home.

Community members who needs to see employees MUST call our administrative center at 819 855-2878 Ext. 300 to book an appointment. The receptionist will provide information regarding which employees are available at our office.

Public health recommandations MUST STILL APPLY. Remember the precautionary measures to avoid the spread of the virus:

  • Respecting mandatory self-isolation;
  • Practicing social distancing ( 6 feet – 2 meters);
  • Hand washing for 20 seconds;
  • Wearing facial covering in public places;
  • If showing any flu related symptoms, contacting Public Health;
  • Coughing or sneezing in your elbow;
  • Respecting actual community curfew from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Thank you for your collaboration.

Stay safe!

As of January 19, 2021, the Cree Nation of Chisasibi Emergency Operations Team would like to inform the community that Chisasibi is now in a TOTAL LOCKDOWN. This situation comes from an incident due to inter-community travel.

This means:

  • No travel in or out of the community; only essential and justifiable reasons (medical appointments with proper document(s)). 
  • Everyone stay home and no gatherings. 
  • One designated (same) person per household to do the family errands. 
  • Stores will reduce the number of people at a time.
  • Limit to persons living in the same household per vehicle.
  • Everyone is encouraged to stay inside, especially during the curfew.
  • Do not communicate or spread any false information on social media.
  • Take these matters seriously.

With the community of Chisasibi now in PHASE 1 as of this morning, the 10:00 pm-6:00 am curfew remains in place, which is in addition to this new total lockdown.

To avoid any potential outbreaks; please refrain from visiting other households especially at this time. Contact tracing takes a few days, please everyone be vigilant and follow all the set precautionary measures. Stay within your household / bubble.

Thank you for your cooperation during this time. 

Stay Safe!


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February 2021

On February 3rd, 2021 the community of Chisasibi was on a temporary lockdown. This situation arose from a contact tracing of a possible positive case that had been communicated to the Chisasibi Emergency Team. To ensure your safety and to give the team time to verify the source of information, we enforced a temporary lockdown. After reviewing the situation, we have concluded the information was inaccurate.
Therefore, the temporary lockdown is now lifted.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time.
Stay Safe!

Public Notice

Extending Curfew and Mandatory Self-Isolation Law

February 4th, 2021


Effective February 8th, 2021, it was agreed to extend the Chisasibi community curfew for another 45 days. In a joint effort to control the potential spread of COVID-19 in our community, the Mandatory Self-Isolation Law was also extended for another 45 days.

However, it was decided to modify the curfew times to 11:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. We would like to remind those who contravene the curfew will be fined $500 for a first offence, $750 for a second and $1,000 for each subsequent offence. The EEPF may issue fines on site and immediately to offenders.

Chisasibi is in phase 2, therefore, we encourage community members to respect and to continue to follow precautionary measures:

  • Limit in-person contact between the same two-households at all times – same bubble;
  • Outdoor activities are permitted with a maximum of 2 households
  • Wear a mask, practice physical and social distancing and to frequently wash your hands;
  • Travel to and from the community is heavily restricted. 
  • Only community residents are permitted to enter unless you have prior approval;
  • Childcare services, schools and workplace are open but must follow strict safety measures;


We expect everyone’s continued collaboration and cooperation during these challenging times. Let’s all do our part to help protect ourselves, our loved ones and especially the most vulnerable. 

Stay safe!


May 2021

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